
Thumb-sucking Isn’t a Problem — At First

IF A CHILD CONTINUES their finger or thumb-sucking habit past their toddler years, it can negatively affect the growth of their jaws and the position of their teeth.

A Healthy Habit for a Baby or Toddler

There is no need to worry about a baby or toddler with a thumb-sucking habit or a pacifier. These are perfectly healthy self-soothing habits that help a child feel safe and happy in a new or stressful situation (and most situations are potentially new and stressful for them at this age). And when a baby feels safe, comfortable and happy, that is more relaxing for the parents too!

Not Growing Out of It?

Eventually, these habits begin to do more harm than good. Most children will grow out of their thumb sucking habit on their own by age 4. If not, vigorous thumb-sucking can change the way developing adult teeth will come in and can even alter the shape of their dental arches. If they are still showing no signs of stopping, it is time to consider intervening.

Breaking the Habit

It can be easier to discourage a pacifier habit, because simply trimming off the end will make it much less appealing until the child loses interest. It is trickier to discourage thumb sucking. Foul-tasting topical aids can be considered - however, they do not always work. We recommend being encouraging and praising successes rather than punishing failures. Try to provide activities that keep both hands too busy for thumbsucking. At night, socks over their hands can be a helpful tactic to try!

Your Dentist or Orthodontist Can Help

If you are concerned about your child's prolonged pacifier or thumb-sucking habit, we are here to answer your questions. We can examine your child's teeth and jaws and discuss orthodontic and dental implications given the specific findings and recommend pertinent steps to take for habit cessation. Please schedule your complimentary orthodontic consultation to learn more.

Your child's dental health is our top priority!

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