
Anyone With Kids Should Follow These Teeth Tips

THERE ARE MANY things parents can do to put their kids’ smiles on the right track for a lifetime of good oral health. Here are a few of them:

#1: Find them a toothbrush they like using.

A child’s toothbrush should be the right size for their hands and mouth and it should have polished, soft bristles. It should also be one they like, whether that means that it’s their favorite color or it has their favorite character on it. (Do not forget to replace it when the bristles fray.) An electric toothbrush may be the optimal choice because the pulsations may potentially reach more tooth surfaces and electric toothbrushes have built in timers to help keep your kids brushing their teeth longer.

#2: Protect against cavities with sealants.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends sealants, especially for kids who have already had tooth decay. Sealants protect the pits and grooves of molars, greatly reducing the risk of cavities.

#3: Offer them teeth-friendly snacks.

All snacks are not created equal! Whole and sliced fruit are great options (the fibers scrub the teeth clean and the natural sugars are not as harmful as added sugars in processed food), as is cheese (it stimulates saliva production and it is a great source of calcium).

#4: Manage whitening toothpaste expectations.

Every teen wants the perfect smile, but they need to keep a realistic idea of what whitening toothpaste can do. It can help with surface stains, but it will not fix white spots from braces or deeper stains.

Take Advantage of the Dentist!

Parents don’t have to do everything alone. Dental health experts are here to help! We’re happy to help you with giving your child good oral health education and demonstrations of good brushing and flossing techniques. Make sure to schedule your regular dental and orthodontic appointments!

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