Patient Resources

Treatment for All Ages

Today, orthodontic treatment is not limited to just teens. We also offer services for children and adults. Every age group has different needs because they are in different stages of development and therefore require differentiated treatment plans. In children, for example, we focus on guiding the growth of the jaw, correcting bad habits such as thumb sucking or tongue thrusting, and making sure the mouth has the appropriate amount of space for teeth to erupt correctly.
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Oral Hygiene

It is necessary to brush your teeth after every meal or at least three times a day using a soft bristle manual toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to prevent cavities. Alternatively you can use an electric toothbrush which is very effective in cleaning around fixed appliances and removing plaque and food debris. A proxybrush or an interproximal brush can also be helpful for hard to reach areas. Although flossing can be a bit more challenging with fixed appliances in place, it is important to floss daily during the course of your orthodontic treatment.
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Foods to Avoid

When wearing braces, certain foods can damage your appliances and result in delays in your treatment. It is important that you commit to avoiding certain foods and taking care of your orthodontic fixed appliances. A small sacrifice during your treatment process will result in an improved result that will last a lifetime. In general, you want to avoid hard foods, sticky foods, and foods that may get stuck in between your teeth and braces.
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A mouthguard is a special type of a removable appliance that will help protect your teeth and gums from injury. If you participate in a contact sport such as basketball, baseball, wrestling, hockey, lacrosse or soccer the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that you wear a mouthguard during practices and games or meets.
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We want our patients to be reassured that true orthodontic emergencies are rare. You may be surprised to find that there are many problems that you can solve temporarily yourself, until you can visit our office. As a general rule, please call our office if you have a painful orthodontic appliance problem that you cannot manage yourself. If you are experiencing severe pain or heavy bleeding, please contact us, your general dentist or head to the emergency room. Below are some helpful tips for managing some common orthodontic emergencies:
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What is orthodontics?
Who is an orthodontist?
What’s the best age to visit the orthodontist?
How should I take care of my teeth if I’m wearing braces?
How long will my treatment take?
Do braces hurt?
Will my braces interfere with my school activities like sports, playing an instrument, or singing?
How often will I need to come in for appointments?
Should I still see my regular dentist while undergoing orthodontic treatment?
Will I have to watch what I eat?
Will I need to wear a retainer after my braces come off?
How should I care for my retainers?
How much does orthodontic treatment cost?
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